Joseph A. Varona, Esq.Senior Associate Attorney

    Joseph A. Varona, Esq., is a Senior Attorney at Property Litigation Group, PLLC, based in Miramar, Florida. He is a distinguished attorney specializing in property damage and insurance litigation.

    Mr. Varona first began representing the Insurance Companies in property damage cases. With a keen understanding of the intricacies of policy language and strategic approach to litigation, Mr. Varona quickly established a reputation for effectively defending insurers against a variety of claims.

    Since 2021, Mr. Varona transitioned to represent and advocate for homeowners facing disputes with their insurers. This decision marked a transformative moment, driven by a commitment to championing the rights of individuals against insurance corporations. As an attorney representing homeowners, Mr. Varona has leveraged his deep knowledge of insurance law to offer unparalleled expertise in navigating complex claims and disputes.

    With a career that spans both sides of insurance disputes, Mr. Varona stands out as a knowledgeable and dedicated advocate for homeowners. His unique perspective and unwavering commitment continues to make a profound impact in the field of insurance law.

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