Jandhy HernandezCFO


    Jandhy Hernandez is the Chief Financial Officer of Property Litigation Group, where she oversees the firm’s financial strategy and operations. With over 20 years of experience in litigation and a deep understanding of PLG’s operations, Jandhy plays a crucial role in guiding the firm’s financial direction and growth. Jandhy has a Business Management Degree and Financial Accounting Certificate from Harvard Business School, equipping her with a strong foundation in financial leadership and management. Her knowledge of the firm’s operations and expertise in litigation, positions her to support and help deliver results that align with the firm’s overall goals. Throughout the years, Jandhy has demonstrated dedication and skills making her an invaluable asset to PLG.

    Outside of her professional role, Jandhy is dedicated to helping her daughters become independent, strong in their faith, and hardworking women. She strives to instill values of resilience, integrity, and dedication, both in her personal life and professional endeavors.

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